Tuesday, September 8, 2020

American Educational System

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In the United States American's enjoy the luxuries of free public education, giving everyone the right to higher education. There are several qualities that are unique to the American education system. The system boasts several first-class virtues but at the same time conceals a scant of atrocious aspects beneath its alluring skin. I suppose every rose has its thorns.

In the United States Americans enjoy the opulence of free education and higher education. The public preparatory schools and secondary schools are equipped with fast computers and high-speed access to the internet. Computers and equipment of that nature used in schools are commonly more advanced than those used in a lot of homes, this was not true only a few years ago. Schools in the United States boast talented and intelligent teachers. Many of the teachers in schools actually have obtained a degree in their field of instruction, which is not true for several other countries, especially third world countries. For Students living in rural locations or that have assiduous parents, a school bus transportation system is available for transportation to and from campus. Televisions in classrooms allow students to get in touch with the outside world and get a grasp on the what is going on around them. These are fabulous qualities that should never leave our system of education.

Now, as I mentioned there are a few select downfalls to America's wonderful education system. The first that comes to mind is comfort. Public schools in the United States are not comfortable. I believe that if one is expected to learn and retain information in their head they must enjoy a high level of comfort to do so. If a student is not comfortable how in the world can they be expected to administer all their attention to an instructor. If a student is too busy worrying about his rear falling asleep and going numb on those hard wood chairs that do not bend, swivel, or fit the curvature of the human form by any means, then how can he be expected to absorb instruction. Yes, people do make good grades, but my theory is these people that make good grades either have a callous pain threshold or perhaps they are truly intelligent despite the comfort zone.

Furthermore, even though the education system in this nation is spectacular, there is something I would change about it. I would reform the method of teaching. I firmly believe in hands-on activities. Yes, students should know how to read and write fluently, especially reports and things of that nature. Yet, a more effective approach to teaching would be to engage in as many physical activities as possible having to do with the topic. For example In U.S. government and economics, students could elect judges and hold court; In English, teachers could more frequently have class discussions on literature; in history, students could act out and film important events in order to understand the crucial aspects of history. This change would keep students awake and alert in class and not to mention, dramatically improve test scores and the overall understanding of scholastic material.

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